Setting Up or Changing a Phone or Pager Notification Device

    Step 1   In the Messaging Assistant, from the Notification Devices menu, select View Notification Devices.
    Step 2   On the Notification Devices page, select the device that you want to change or set up.
    Step 3   On the <Device name> Notification Device page, check the Notification Enabled check box to enable the device or uncheck it to disable the device.
    Step 4   In the Phone Number or URI field, enter the phone number or URI of the phone or pager, beginning with any access code needed to make an external call (for example, 9).

    Use digits 0 through 9. Do not use spaces, dashes, or parentheses between digits. For long-distance numbers, include the applicable dialing codes (for example, 1 and the area code). You can also enter:

    • , (comma) to insert a one-second pause.

    • # and * to correspond to the # and * keys on the phone.

    You may not be able to enter certain phone numbers or your phone system may require additional characters. If you are experiencing difficulties with this setting, contact your Connection administrator.

    Step 5   If you select HTML as a device on the Notification Device page, in the Outdial Number or URI field, enter the outdial number or URI.
    Step 6   Check the Prompt for User ID on Notifications check box if you want Connection to ask for your phone extension before giving you the message.
    Step 7   In the Dial Extra Digits field, enter any extra digits that Connection will dial after the phone number. The digits could be a password or an access number that you enter to hear messages, or an ID required by a pager.
    Step 8   In the Dial After field, enter the number of seconds that Connection waits after dialing the phone or pager number before it dials the extra digits. (You may need to experiment with this setting. Try 6 seconds, then increase or decrease the time as needed.)
    Step 9   In the Notify Me Of section, select the types of events that will cause Connection to call this notification device:
    Option Description
    All Messages

    Connection calls this device when any new message is received, including dispatch and other voice messages, and fax messages.

    All Voice Messages

    Connection calls this device when any new voice message is received (including dispatch messages).

    Dispatch Messages

    Connection calls this device when any new voice message is received that is marked as a dispatch message.

    Fax Messages

    Connection calls this device when any new fax message is received.

    Step 10   For each event type that you chose in Step 8, check the Urgent Only check box to have Connection send the notification only when the new message of that type is marked urgent.
    Step 11   To specify that this device receive notifications only for messages from specific Connection users, in the Where Call Is From section, select Add Callers, then search for names:
    1. In the Find Names dialog box, enter search criteria, then select Find.
    2. In the search results, check the check box next to the user or remote contact that you want to add to your Callers list, and select Add Users.
    Step 12   To specify that this device receive notifications only for messages from specific phone numbers, enter a phone number in the Number Pattern field.

    You can use the wildcard characters X and * to match more than one phone number:

    • The X character matches any single digit in the range 0 through 9. For example, the pattern 9XXX matches the range of phone numbers from 9000 through 9999.

    • The asterisk (*) character matches any sequence of digits. For example, the pattern 5556304* matches the phone numbers 5556304, 55563040, 55563041, 5556304100, and so forth.


    If you specify both Callers and Phone Numbers for a device, Connection sends the device a notification for any message—of the types you specified in Step 8 and Step 9—that matches any of the callers or number patterns you specify.

    Step 13   To set up your notification schedule, use the Quick Add options to specify a schedule.


    Check or uncheck the check boxes in the schedule to specify the active and inactive hours for the notification device. Connection makes notification calls during the active hours, if you have new messages. When a new message arrives during inactive hours, Connection sends a message notification at the start of the next active hour in your schedule.


    There are several ways to set up your notification schedule quickly. Select Clear Schedule to uncheck all check blocks at once. Alternatively, select Invert Schedule to check all the blocks that you currently do not have checked and uncheck the ones that you do have checked. You can use the Copy Day’s Schedule function—below the schedule—to copy a schedule for one day to other days.

    Step 14   Specify the timing and frequency of the calls made by Connection to notify you of new messages:
    Option Description
    Attempt First Contact After <x> Minutes

    Enter the number of minutes that Connection waits to make the first notification call once message notification is triggered.

    If the delay time takes the notification out to a time when the device schedule is no longer active, the notification does not take place until the schedule becomes active again (as long as the message is still new). You can space notifications on different devices at regular intervals, such as 15 minutes, to achieve a cascading message notification effect.

    If There Are Still New Messages, Try Again Every <x> Minutes

    To have Connection repeat the notification as long as you have new messages, check this check box and enter the number of minutes that Connection waits before repeating the notification. The range for the redial frequency field is 1 to 60 minutes.

    For example, if you set the repeat notification interval to 5 minutes at 11:47 a.m., Connection will notify you of new messages at 11:50 a.m., 11:55 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 12:05 p.m., 12:10 p.m., 12:15 p.m., 12:20 p.m., 12:25 p.m., etc.

    If Does Not Answer
    Connection follows your settings for an unanswered device. Indicate settings for:
    • Hang Up After <x> Rings—Set to a minimum of 3 rings. Choose a higher number to give yourself more time to get to the phone.

    • Try Again <x> Times—Choose a higher number to accommodate when you step away from the phone briefly. Choose a lower number to avoid disturbing others.

    • Try Again After <x> Minutes—Choose a higher number to accommodate when you step away from the phone for long periods of time.

    If Is Busy
    Connection follows your settings for a busy device. Indicate settings for:
    • Try Again <x> Times—Choose a higher number if you use the phone frequently.

    • Try Again After <x> Minutes—Choose a higher number if you have long phone conversations.

    If Notification Fails Try

    Select an option for an additional device to send notification to when the first device does not answer or is busy. Connection calls the device only if it is enabled and its schedule is current.

    Step 15   Select Save.